Thursday 19 December 2013

Jobs After Graduation

Graduation is usually considered to be a benchmark of education. A major percentage of students want to join some jobs after graduation and start becoming an earning member of their families. However, there are many career options available after graduation pertaining to fields like science and engineering, fitness, fashion, tourism, and hospitality. There also remains the option of joining government jobs like as of police and civil administration, banks, public sector banks, railways and defense. 

Some of the currently popular and lucrative jobs that can be joined after graduation are as follows – 


Post graduate courses in Fashion and/or designing. 

Management jobs can be obtained only if the aspirants are having a degree of MBA. However, post MBA, the jobs that can be easily grabbed are - sales, finance, marketing, and personnel management.

Software Engineering is also a lucrative job option that can help graduates get them established.

Wednesday 11 December 2013

What To Do After Graduation?

Young students and aspirants often find themselves at the crossroads where they often wonder what to do after graduation. Here we have some helpful suggestions and tips for you. Read ahead and plan your future suitably – 


The option of studying higher and further will always remain open. The aspirants can opt for a management degree (MBA) in their intentional specialization field. They can also give exam of UGC and take a masters’ or PhD degree. 

The world of public sector conducts many kinds of exams and entrances for the galore of jobs they generate. Railways, banking sector, defense etc are such options where lucrative jobs can be obtained right after graduation. 

BPO sector is one such sector that is wholehearted welcomed by freshers. They are various kinds of entry level jobs in this sector that can be applied even if the final result of graduation is awaited. 

Few more fields to explore are - Web Design, Travel and Tourism, Teaching, Banking & Finance, etc.

Wednesday 4 December 2013

What To Do After Graduation?

If this question is bothering young and fresh graduates, here are some suggested answers to this vital question. These suggestions can be applied in tandem with the qualifications and skill sets of the aspirants.  


You can also try your luck to grab a great job in private sector as well can also further improve your career chances by opting for a masters degree. 

Lucrative industries such as law, banking, finance and defense throw up great career opportunities for graduates.

If you are unable to continue your higher education, you can find a job for you and this is time, you need to upgrade your qualifications, with your online degree programs. 

Some of the more suggested options are Marketing and Sales, MCA/Animation/Web Design, Travel and Tourism, Modeling, Medical Transcription etc.

BPO sector is one such sector that is wholehearted welcomed by freshers. 

Thursday 21 November 2013

Here are some of the answers to the question what to do after graduation?

Graduation degree is the least one should have in terms of educational qualification to pursue a career. People often remain confused about a question ‘what to do after graduation?’ here are some of the answers to this question:


Having a graduate degree opens up a plethora of job opportunities at various jobs in government aided organizations

You can also try your luck to grab a great job in private sector as well

You can also further improve your career chances by opting for a masters degree

Lucrative industries such as law, banking, finance and defense throw up great career opportunities for graduates.

Hospitality Industry – Those graduates who have good communication skills and have excellent PR skills can explore this sector.

Students can also opt for MBA and specialize in any of the desired field. This can lead them towards core sectors such as Marketing, HR, Finance etc. 

Friday 15 November 2013

What to do After Graduation?

Exploring the option of higher studies is one of the answers of the question – what to do after graduation. Look out for jobs in railways, public sector banks, defence, police and civil administration as all these sectors provide lucrative opportunities to build a successful career. You can even look for jobs in the private sectors as they have high remuneration and provide better experience and exposure. Most importantly do not get confused; think well before you move ahead.


Plenty of job opportunities are there for the MBA candidates. At the same time, if you are unable to continue your higher education, you can find a job for you and this is time, you need to upgrade your qualifications, with your online degree programs. Some of the suggested options are –

Marketing and Sales

MCA/Animation/Web Design

Travel and Tourism


Teaching - B.Ed/M.Ed


Medical Transcription

Wednesday 6 November 2013

What To Do After Graduation?

If you are pondering over What to do after Graduation, the answer is very simple. do not be confused and thinking as here are few things mentioned below which you can look out for.


Explore the option of higher studies. Try for a MBA or PhD, or a master’s degree in your specified field as this would give you a definite edge over the others in future. 

Look out for jobs in railways, public sector banks, defence, police and civil administration as all these sectors provide lucrative opportunities to build a successful career.

BPO sector is one such sector that is wholehearted welcomed by freshers. They are various kinds of entry level jobs in this sector that can be applied even if the final result of graduation is awaited. Some of the other sectors are - Marketing and Sales, MCA/Animation/Web Design, Travel and Tourism, Banking & Finance, Teaching - B.Ed/M.Ed, Fashion Designing etc.

Friday 18 October 2013

What To Do After Graduation?

Graduation is like a dividing line in a student’s career that consequently takes him to a higher level where he or she has to choose for what to do next. Here are some suggestions that would amply provide answer to the million dollar question of “What to do after Graduation”. Read ahead – 

Jobs After Graduation

Marketing and Sales
MCA/Animation/Web Design
Mass Communication And Journalism/Advertising
Hotel Management
Travel and Tourism
Civil Aviation: Air Hostess/ Commercial Pilot
Social Work
Banking & Finance
Library Science
Teaching - B.Ed/M.Ed
Defense and Police Jobs/ Civil Services/ Forest Services/Railways Jobs
Acting/Production/Direction (Film Making)
Fashion Designing
Beauty Care
Medical Transcription
Content/Technical Content Writing

Choose a relevant field after carefully assessing your interest, preference, aptitude and the scope. Go for only that field that interest without compromising on your abilities.   

Monday 7 October 2013

What To Do After Graduation?

If you are being troubled by the irksome question of “What to do after Graduation”, then read ahead about the option that can be considered. Refer to the below listed options – 


BPO – BPO sector is one such sector that is wholehearted welcomed by freshers. They are various kinds of entry level jobs in this sector that can be applied even if the final result of graduation is awaited.

Hospitality Industry – Those graduates who have good communication skills and have excellent PR skills can make their foray in this industry. There are various avenues that can be explored via this sector leading towards a glamorous and an exciting career.

Core Sectors – In accordance to the preference, students can opt for MBA and specialize in any of the desired field. This can lead them towards core sectors such as Marketing, HR, Finance etc. Getting an MBA degree would get them an entry into corporate world. 

Thursday 26 September 2013

Are You Thinking What To Do After Graduation? – Here Are Few Things Which You Can Look Out For

Are you confused and thinking what to do after graduation? Then here are few things mentioned below which you can look out for.

Explore the option of higher studies. Try for a MBA or a master’s degree in your specified field as this would give you a definite edge over the others in future.

You can try for government jobs in various sectors as it is lucrative as well as provides a lifelong job security. Look out for jobs in railways, public sector banks, defence, police and civil administration as all these sectors provide lucrative opportunities to build a successful career.

You can even look for jobs in the private sectors as they have high remuneration and provide better experience and exposure.

Do not get confused; think well before you move ahead.

Tuesday 17 September 2013

Career After Graduation

The present time brings lots of options and choices when it comes to pick a certain career after graduation. With so many streams being preferred by present day students, there is no dearth of choices. Read ahead about various career choices that can be made after graduating – 


Sales and Marketing -  This stream involves salary and allowance along with commissions.

Management – This is a lucrative career option.

Finances – Get any of these degrees CS/ CA/ CFA/CWA and become a finance connoisseur.

Computer Courses include multiple courses like - Animation, web designing, computer operator, software professional, programmer and animator. 

Mass Communication, Journalism and Advertising – This stream has galore of career options that can be chosen right from the first day after completing graduation. 

Hotel Management - This career option is best for those individuals who have excellent communication and high on PR skills.

Tuesday 3 September 2013

Plan For The Bright Future When You Think What to do After Graduation?

Many students are thinking What to do After Graduation? The answer is very simple and you need to continue your higher education. At present, it is not easy to get a very good job, after your bachelor degree graduation. 

At least, you need to get your master degree to find an excellent job. At present, you have been forced to select the best education, which is required in the market. In this regard, you can join your master degree in business. 

Plenty of job opportunities are there for the MBA candidates. At the same time, if you are unable to continue your higher education, you can find a job for you and this is time, you need to upgrade your qualifications, with your online degree programs. 

There are even PhD programs for you and you can complete your program, right from your home. You need to make sure that you have required educational qualifications, for your desired job. Further, your education could take you to the top level in your job placements. 

Tuesday 27 August 2013

Explore and Develop Your Professional Potential after Graduation

Graduation is an act of receiving an authorized degree, when students become graduates.  This is one such stage in the students’ lives where they are ecstatic as well as little bit of anxious. Graduate job vacancies are announced through training schemes or recruitment process. 


Those who are interested in government sector or PSU jobs can scan the employment news from time to time. Now a day’s certain jobs are offered to candidates based on their performance in graduation. Good marks and grades coupled with remarkable personality can make the aspirants gain a good job. 

These jobs are available both in private and government sectors.
  • Private sector jobs after graduation include jobs in IT industries or marketing and technical jobs.  Candidates can choose their field and opt for these jobs.
  • Jobs in government sector are generally announced through recruitment process in banks, railway, staff selection, civil services etc.

Wednesday 14 August 2013

Spot the Right Jobs after Graduation

It is very important to spot the right jobs after graduation so that you can build a promising career ahead. Few job vacancies that you can watch out for after graduation are:

Spot Your Job
  • Government jobs: There are a total of 17625 Government jobs available for all 2013 graduated students. You can immediately apply for these jobs once you pass your B.A, B.Com, B.Sc, B.C.A, B.Tech or any other graduation degree.
  • IT Engineering And Technical Jobs: TCS Bangalore and Mumbai are conducting walk-in interviews on 17th and 18th of August. L& T has requirement of dynamic structural engineers. D.E. Shaw Software Pvt. Ltd. also requires software developers so apply immediately.
  • Technical content writer jobs: Various companies in Kolkata, Pune, Delhi and Bangalore are having vacancies for technical content writer jobs.
  • Do not waste time and apply to the various openings at the earliest.

Thursday 8 August 2013

Professional Courses after Graduation

Graduation is a peak point where one gets confused while planning for future. There are numerous graduates who often find themselves on the threshold of confusion where they find themselves baffled over what do they need to do henceforth. With advent of progressive means of education, now-a- days several options are opened to make you aware of doing what after Graduation.

  • Mass comm. /Journalism-, Advertising is in demand in the present scenario and you can earn highly profitable income ranging 3-4 lacs p.a.
  • Banking/Finance-It is a leading sector where you can earn as per your qualification and experience.
  • Animation/Web designing-One can work here as software designer earning 10-50 k per month.
  • Management-It has most promising career in present era. So if you are interested in business and marketing you can earn about 25-50,000 per month.

Thursday 1 August 2013

Enlisting Some Jobs after Graduation for You to Choose From

After completing graduation, freshers start looking for jobs to get much required exposure to practical world. Until graduation, students are mostly focused on strengthening their theoretical knowledge base. Bur after graduating students realize that it’s time to gather some practical knowledge also. Here’s enumerating some jobs after graduation, which individuals can apply for: 


  • UPSC conducts examination every year for getting recruited in defense forces as well as civil services. These exams are competitive in nature and help in eliminating superfluous candidates from the genuine ones.
  • Railway jobs are also a good option for which RRB conducts exams.
  • Several Banks like SBI, PNB, ICICI, HDFC, etc. also keep notifying for job recruitments.
Other than this, graduates with specific field of interest like business management, engineering, law, teaching, medical, marketing, etc. can apply for jobs in companies in their respective fields.

Friday 26 July 2013

Whom To Seek For Help After Graduation?

If you are confused about your career goals and need a professional help then you must know whom to seek for help after graduation in order to get the right kind of job for yourself. Seeking help from your elders or a professional help from career counselors can be a good option in this regard. However, consult only such a person who is knowledgeable and who has ability to guide you well over your career matters. 

Seek Help

The biggest reason to seek help from a career counselor is that they are experienced and proficient enough to guide you to apply for those jobs which are suitable for you.

They speak with you, know about your interest areas and then accordingly help you to take the important career decision. Considering all these aspects, a career counselor is the best person to consult.

Monday 22 July 2013

Fresher’s Are Not getting Jobs after Graduation

It is true to say that Fresher’s are Not Getting Jobs after Graduation. This is because job opportunities are shrinking day by day. One of the main reasons for this is the increase in population. Each year lakhs of fresher pass out with good percentage of marks but then to they are not able to get jobs. This is one of most immediate problem which India is facing today and government should take possible steps.

No Job

Thus, when people don’t get employment opportunities they tend to get irritated. Sometimes they even go deep into depression and start behaving in a strange manner. However, this is the wrong perception that must be addressed. In order to overcome this acute problem student should shift their interest area and try something new. They can start new ventures and create businesses of their own to make maximum utilization of their capabilities. 

Tuesday 16 July 2013

Graduation is Not a Full Stop

Academics are a broad term which continues throughout life.  Completion of graduation is a landmark in ones career as rest of the professional life of an individual is guided by what career he/she chooses after graduation. This is indeed an important and a pivotal stage in the life of students, where they need to guided and steered well. 

In today’s fast growing world and neck to neck competition people are hungry to grow and keep a pace with the developments. And so for them graduation is not a full stop instead they are interested to pursue higher studies and aim high in life. Many enterprising aspirants take their graduation as a stepping stone and treat as a gateway to further courses that would lead them towards a better and lucrative career.

Usually, most of the students are opting for masters. Some of the popular and preferred fields are listed below:
  • Management
  • Sales and marketing
  • Mass communication
  • Computer courses like MCA

Wednesday 10 July 2013

Difficult to Get Jobs after Graduation

Nowadays youngsters look for jobs immediately after they complete their graduation. But one must realize that competition nowadays has increased immensely so if you do not set your skills correctly and prepare yourself from beforehand then it is very difficult to get jobs after graduation in this competitive market scenario. 

Unemployed Graduates

Most importantly you need to ensure that you should have some skill sets for the job that you are applying for. There are some common skill sets which are mandatory in order to grab a good job. Some of the basic and preliminary job requirements include knowledge of complete MS office package, ability to do good research of various facts online and finally good communication skills.

Companies generally look for young dynamic people who can handle any real life situation with confidence. You need to set your priorities right and prepare in advance if you want to stand out from the rest and grab a job right after your graduation.

Wednesday 26 June 2013

What to do after graduation?

After completing college, the most common question that invades the minds of youngsters is ‘what’s next?’ Well, the answer to this depends on the personal choice. Those who want to study can start applying for their postgraduate colleges. They can research which course and college would be suitable for them and would take up those options that would strengthen their graduate degree. 

What's next to do after graduation?

While Science graduates can think for post graduating or researching in their subject, Commerce students can think of giving CAT exam. The humanities students can also postgraduate for furthering their studies, with a consequent management course from a credible institute.

Those graduates who want to step into the world of job can prepare their resume and forward them to various companies that have openings for the fresher graduates. One industry that wholeheartedly welcomes fresh graduates is BPO industry that offers wide variety of voice-based as well as non-voice based jobs.